5' X7" Print on 8 1/2" X 11" Cardstock.
Original is a Chalk Drawing.
Compassionate Christ
I was asked to do a live drawing in our home after we ate with dinner guests. I would describe these people as humanitarians. Present were a mother and daughter from India, who have a ministry that has reached out especially to help the tsunami victims from 2004. Also a Christian businessman was present with his wife and teenage daughter. Filling the room to capacity was our family.
As the Christian businessman prayed over me for divine intervention, I felt an anointing that caused my heart to burn with love for Our Lord! God had revealed to me ahead of time that I should focus on the Lord’s Holy Face. When the drawing was finished my husband and this man agreed that the expression on Our Lord’s face was one of great compassion!
Also they felt that Christ had a look of concern, asking, "Why have you sinned? Come back to me! "
Wherever one would stand in the room, His eyes would follow!!!
Our Lord is always there! He is as close as a prayer away! He longs for us to spend time with Him! He is there when we mess up….He forgives our sins!!